Cuti Raya Day+4

Yes, a day late in entry after returning hone from my Mum's rather late. A nice dinner, plus badminton and football matches to boot - which United won but Chong Wei retired hurt by the way. The boys were running around all evening since their cousin were there. They had just returned from Melaka earlier in the day.

The day started off with just a relaxing morning at home. After lunch, Anita and I went over to Pavilion. From there, I went on to Low Yat. There, there was a plenty of promotion going on, the biggest one being the Xperia Ultra Z, a new phablet from Sony. A nice little HD unit with built in phone. More like the Samsung Galaxy Note. Packed with a great camera and a gorgeous screen, I really got quite interested. Since the crowd was smaller than I expect, I got plenty of hands on time on them. Responsive and fast. That was the impression I had.

Anita did some shopping as even Pavilion was rather empty. We then went to buy food for the dinner at Mum's - going all Arabic with dinner from Al Rawsha.

So, a full day it was mainly at my Mum's.

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