Cuti Raya Last Day

So, it was a fruitful day. An outing in Genting where we did a lot of stuff. The boys didn't want to return home in the end and we concluded that one if these days we should open to spend a night or two there. We did Collar before but we felt that the place lost its novelty after a few hours. Maybe there was plenty more to do at Genting proper.

That plan would have to wait, but what struck us was how cool the weather was when we were up there. The place were covered with clouds when we drive down. The children brought down the screen trying to touch the clouds. We wished that there were more space to run around but Genting appeared over developed especially right at the top. Not much more space available to expand.

The boys spent the evening telling their grandparents what they did at Genting. Idlan of course telling them what he saw at Ripley's while Irfan kept harping on about the snow. I spent the evening doing post-production of the snaps taken up there but decided not to upload it until the internet connection improve.

First day back would be an on call day. Meaning I would be spending the evening at the apartment alone. Anita had plenty on her plates sorting out things at home and couldn't join me at the apartment. Well rested last night, I was already at my ParkCity clinic when I wrote this entry. Already there were patients to see when I reach Subang later.

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