Subdued Afternoon

A rather boring day this far, starting with the long debriefing this morning, then the drive across to ParkCity. No patients in clinic today, so I ended up watching TV at the Doctor's Lounge there - you get free sandwiches there - before doing some planning for the coming weeks and answering emails.

I have a lecture to prepare in a couple of weeks time. Better get some material lined up for that. Next came the drive to Bangsar to stop at the bank, quick stop at the grocers for some food the weekend - will be on call this Saturday.

I was back to Subang for my afternoon clinic. A few patients waiting for their results to come back, before doing my afternoon rounds. Should then round things up pretty quickly before going home.

For some reason, it had a subdued afternoon. I have half an hour or so to kill before the results were ready. Maybe I just head back to the mess and catch up on some gossip. Yup, that what I'd do ......

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