Internet Revamping

It looked like ParkCity had made some changes as far as Internet access were concerned. We still get free Internet, but only with registered devices. So, I had to call the IT department and get my stuffs to be made legal!

But the officer was tied up this morning and I wasn't in the mood to wait. I'll catch up with them next week.when I return from my Raya break.

Since the hospital operate as a paperless unit, it made sense to secure the Internet and Intranet Web access. We can't afford to have a third party snooping into the system, prying on patients details and worth still, hack the notes and the various results system. It would create havoc as we didn't have a paper backup to access these data readily. A nightmare should the system be hacked.

The place also looked extra empty today. I only.had a couple of patients to see and was done by 11 am. Things were already winding down for the Raya break I guess.

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