Cuti Raya Day-1

It sure had been a hectic day, but more fir Anita than me. She was still at the kitchen now perfecting her laksa. She reckoned that she would be at it past midnight.

All the main tasks completed. Satay, checked. Rendang, checked. Lemang, checked. Ketupat, checked. Next on the list would be laksa and bolognese. Everything going according to schedule. As well as the cleaning. We had four helpers coming in for the day, with three staying overnight - my parents' maid, our maid and her friend. Two of them Filipinos. Cleaning was tip top!

The boys were upstairs playing with sprinklers. The whole house was smoking! My task would be to get the gaji melayu in order for tomorrow as well as putting the bank notes into the ang pow. Easy task!

Right! Much to do now. Will blog later. Selamat Hari Raya!

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