Early Birthday Present

As mentioned, Irfan's birthday would be round the corner. He would be turning 8 next month.

After his exams last November, I asked him what he wanted for the holidays. He told me that he wanted to buy a game on his Xbox. He wanted to buy Minecraft.

Off I went searching high and low for it, but to no avail. I went everywhere, my usual dealer and a few more. No luck.

I had to put an order in in the end.

So, this afternoon, I received and SMS from the vendor at Plaza Damas. The game was finally in. Didn't waste much time. I went to collect the order and since this afternoon, both Idlan and Irfan had been in front on the TV in their room playing with not. Luckily, they had a two players mode and we had a cpuple.of controllers.

I really couldn't figure out what the craze was, but all their classmates were playing it. They would talking about it until the Chinese New Year I was sure.

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