
I became interested in the book after reading that it would be made into a feature film. And if it was half as good as the Hunger Games trilogy, then I would be in for a treat.

I went into Audible and downloaded the book. It was rather gripping listening to it on the way to work. So, earlier this week, Anita and I went to watch the movie at the cinema.

The review was not that great, but I must say that the movie was better than expected. The director did take some creative liberty in the storyline but it was clear that they plan to film the whole trilogy and must still needed to be explained in the end.

Great night out. Whether knowing the storyline beforehand made the movie less enjoyable? I wasn't too sure. I would be listening to the rest of the trilogy before the next instalment most definitely.

I would definitely recommend it to whoever who was into Hunger Games.

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