
National pride was at stake and it showed on the faces of the players during the World Cup Final last night. Some of them handled the early nerves better than others. Some actually grew more nervous towards the end.

Germany did not have the best of starts when they had to replace half of their midfield duo due injury to Khedira. His replacement then suffered a concussion after 20 minutes and had to be replaced. Argentina was on top during the earlier exchanges, and it was open.

Both team then regrouped, and the match closed down again. Germany stuck to their high line - in fact at times, the whole team sans Neure was in the opposition half. More clear cut chances came for Argentina, the best being the one-on-one chance for Higuain - he of the famous Real finisher - after a bad back header by Kroos. He scuffed it wide, not even testing the goalkeeper. He hardly recovered after that.

By the end of 90 minutes, the German back line clearly looked to be run rugged. Messi should have pounced then, and close up the game. Fortunately for Germany, they had Tiger Schwansteiger. He made the difference. He rallied the team despite carrying a stitch on his face. The stuff of legends.

The breakthough came heartbreakingly late against the Argentine. They did not deserve to win. Germany was the better team, but to go a goal down in the second half of extra time with the penalties looming was going to be hard to take. Goetze chested the ball down expertly after ghosting behind Demichelis, and volleyed the ball first time. And World Cup History was written.

Klose played his last game in the World Cup - and for Germany. Mueller failed to score, allowing James to pick up the Golden Boot. Maybe it was a kind gesture that Messi was presented with the Golden Ball as the Tournament's Best Player. Personally it should've been Robben.

So, another 4 years. And the 2014 edition was a great one! Adios!