Taking the Plunge

So, the iOS 8 had just been released to the masses this morning. The internet connection at Gombak House had been pretty sluggish, so I had to do the updating from the apartment. Luckily, this being a Thursday, I had some me time.

After I got my patients sorted out, had my breakfast, it was time to take the plunge. Off to the apartment.

The file size for the download was 1.1Gb for the iPhone and 1.3Gb for the iPad. On top of that, you would need around 6Gb of free space n the device for the upgrade. That meant that I had to delete some apps, as well as some unused files, podcasts and audiobooks. Easily done.

The download took less than 10 minutes, but the local parsing of the files on the device took around 20 minutes. Then the download was verified and you were asked if you wanted to update the device then. Of course the answer was yes. Another 15 minutes and I was greeted with the opening screen of the new OS.

Any noticeable difference? Not really. Everything looked very similar to the iOS7. I was bracing myself for some crashes, but hopefully new patches would be provided by the app developers to cope with the new upgrade ….

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