A Week of Meeting

It looked like the theme for this week had been meeting after meeting. Some of them at the hospital, I had one in Putrajaya yesterday, another hotel today, and it looked like it was going to be Hospital Ampang tomorrow if I finish my clinic soon enough.

If you thought that Sunday would be spared, think again. Anita got a lunch, and afternoon tea lined up with our friends and buddies, which meant that I would be the chauffeur. Well, I wouldn't mind since it would be her birthday week next week. I wouldn't want to tell how old she would be, but suffice to say, there was a reason why all our car plate numbers were 9972 ....

Time to take some time off tonight .... chill out and watch some TV because I don't think I would have much time for that this weekend .....

And next week would be another story as it would include a trip home to Penang ....

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