Overnight in Penang

After clinic on Saturday, I took a drive - a long one - up North to Penang. There is a conference session I plan to attend there on Sunday morning, hence a quick drive up, attend the sessions then drive back home the next afternoon after lunch. Luckily I cancelled my Monday clinic, so as to have some recovery time before beginning the week in full swing.

But the sessions were great. I had the chance to explore the hotel after breakfast, before the talks begin. The hotel was built in the 80s and it was obviously so. It reminded me of Equatorial Penang where I stayed when I was sending my Aunt off to Mecca last year. It was from the same era. The architecture was also almost similar. A central covered courtyard with the hotel rooms going up in a tubular structure. It was popular those days I was sure.

After the talks were done, I drove to Sungai Petani to visit my Aunt but she did not answer the door. I then drove back to KL, stopping at a couple of places for quick drinks and prayers.

A short and tiring trip, but worth it.

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