Finished the Course

Since returning from Bangkok, I had been carrying this niggling cough. With the couple of calls last week and the phlegm turning green, I decided to put myself on antibiotics - because I could!

Fast forward 5 days later, the course was done. Cough was still there but much better. I went through the calls without a problem although it threatened to lose my voice last Sunday. And no fever.

The antibiotics course was completed, and I must confess that this was the first time I actually finished the pack. Now I could understand why my patients sometimes stopped half way. Taking medicine, especially antibiotics when they felt well took some doing! And it would be best to go for a single daily dose regimen rather than 3 times.

Will be traveling to Hong Kong on Friday. Hopefully there would be no more cough then, and I could do a bit of chilling out!

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