MSH Meeting 2015

Traditionally, the Malaysian Society of Haematology held their scientific meeting yearly, alternating between Kuala Lumpur and outside. It was held at Shangri-La last year and Penang the year before that. So, this time it was again time to venture outside of Kelang Valley. So, it was Kota Kinabalu.

It was the first time the meeting was held there, and the initial plan was to both do a small meet up with a very selected topic covered. Initially, we wanted to talk about bleeding in pregnancy. It soon turned into a two-day event, the first day being about bleeding and the second about clotting, both with emphasis in women. It turned out to be a great program, with the help of the International Society of Thrombosis and Homeostasis. We got speakers from abroad to chip in, plus have a nursing workshop the day after. It was great.

Le President, Dr Alan Teh with his welcoming speechOn top of that, we had 500 delegates and secretariats turning up. It was much better than expected. I must say that I learned plenty. On top of the of course, there were great food!

I chaired one of the session and live blogged the whole event - except during Friday Prayers of course.

The participation from the Pharmaceuticals were also strong, with the booths oversubscribed. All the symposium slot were also taken. The whole weekend was a resounding success. There are also write-ups from yesteryear's meeting here.

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