
I love my country. I always have and always will be. And I am sure you do too.

But I don't think I would be alone in expressing my concerns and disappointment on the events over the past week. The sacking of Muhyiddin, the sudden termination of the Attorney-General, the Special Branch Chief being reassigned, the elevation of the Parliamentary PAC members who was in the swing of investigation the 1MDB debacle into the cabinet and to cherry on the cake, the fire at the safest place in Malaysia, the National Police headquarters. Stuff of legends!

One day, I was sure my grandchildren would ask me, what were you doing when the infamous "Najib Shuffle" happened? My answer would be in the car being driven to the hospital after giving a lunchtime talk at Menara Maybank! These thing won't happen often, and hopefully won't happen again.

Malaysia is becoming a laughing stock of the World, and we only got ourselves to blame.

Right! No more writing about politics as it would not make a jot of difference. I shall leave that kind of writing to the more eloquent and information flow would be something that the Government would struggle to control. Will blog on better things from now on! And for now, let's get on with my call .....

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