Qurban 2015

This year, it was with my parents at Bukit Antarabangsa. The local surau had 11 cows and the ceremony had to start early for fear of dragging on till late. two of the cows were huge - one donated by the local singer who happened to live my Mum's area. That took some doing!
The weather was nice, and the haze were almost completely gone with no rain in sight. A perfect weather for Qurban.

It started at around 10, and when I left at around noon with Irfan especially making noise, our Qurban was due next. There were plenty of helpers around and it was a big occasion for the folks in the area, with my Dad being one of the organiser.

They took the security arrangements seriously with the area for the Qurban cordoned off, and the children were put on one side. The event went on orderly although there was a slight delay. Once the Qurban was downed, the meat were taken to designated area for futher cutting and later distribution. Some of the meat were also cooked at the Surau for a feast later in the day while some were distributed to the needy!

Judging from the size of the cows, this years Qurban was a lot better compared to few years back where the meat were too lean and skinny. This year, each portion of Qurban - 7 per cow - weighed in at 5kg.

I just wished that I could hang around a bit more, but the combination of the hot weather, the delay and the crowd put my boys off! They should toughen up for next year ….

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