
Idlan had been keen to take-up drumming for a while. He even signed up for classes at school and would be starting lessons in the next few weeks. And I had always been fascinating by drums but the main problem with them was the loud noise they generate!

As a compromise, we went for an electronic drum kit. We had been looking around for one, reading forums and review. It was quite difficult to be able to see and test one in KL. The only shop which allowed us to play around with a kit was in Mid Valley. After a few visits, we finally made up our minds.

It was a Roland rather than a Yamaha.

The set came in with a real foot pedal, as well as fabric snares and toms. This would create a real feedback and bounce so that when Idlan use the normal kit at school, it felt more natural. With your headphones on, the drums played out with minimal noise, although not completely silent.

The package also came with a dedicated speaker, from which drum noise could be generated. It was pretty clear that I would need plenty of practice to be any good at it, and at the current rate, Idlan would be teaching me a trick or two soon ….

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