Irfan' Classmate Party

Irfan turned 10 on the second day of Chinese New Year. And straight after the school break, both he and Idlan had school assessment. No real time to have a party. Irfan had been talking to his classmate about having a party just for them. We dithered but he persisted.

Finding the right time was quite tricky. Finally we settled for last weekend, almost a couple of weeks after the his actual birthday.

The games has startedIrfan staring at his cake ...Guns would have been a better choice ...Poor boy was lost ...A small party, just among classmate. No clowns or anything like that. Just then playing video games with food and cakes. It worked out fine, with some of his friends wanting to stay back after the party.

They played with their Playstations and Wii U, well through the afternoon. And of course binge watching YouTube on the TV.

PlottingBig breathSee how the Pro cut itThe main attraction was the cake however. Mama Min did it again. More on that on another entry. Irfan was especially happy and right excited well into Monday. And Idlan decided that he loved his room after all and since the party had been sleeping in his own room. Although I had to sleep with him there...

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