3 Days

My lab at Park City had just undergone a national audit earlier this week and in the last couple of weeks, the staffs had been hard at work making sure that the audit went successfully and without a hitch. The assessor came to visit on Tuesday with a short interview with me on the same afternoon. That also meant that I had been traveling back and fro regularly lately between the two hospitals and to be honest it could be tiring.

Luckily I managed to cancel a few clinics making the workload in Subang slightly bearable during the duration of the audit.

The feedback had been largely positive and the assessor did come up with a few suggestions for the hospital which would help my lab service. Hopefully the management had been paying attention. But credit must go to my lab manager who made everything looked easy ..... Well done!

Now that the audit was done, it was time to have a nice cup of mocha ....

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