Looking for Eagles

Feeding eagles was not part of our original plan. But taking a ride amongst the swarm was. We were lucky that plenty of eagles showed up during our boat ride the other day. Unfortunately I did not bring my zoom along. No eagles close-up I'm afraid.

They were hunting for foodThere were flying in in groupsThe boys were discussing eagles. Naturally!We then went past some swamplandsThe hot weather did not help matter as we were sweating in the heat. The boys turned grumpy and right on cue, our guide sped up for them to enjoy the wind. We went on to snake through the swarm before returning to Tanjung Rhu.

I was surprised to see the number of private hatch and boats at the mouth of the river there. Certainly a suitable spot to anchor as the breeze was quick but the water was still. There was also a small jetty for boats to moor right on the other side of our hotel.

On the way home, we passed by a dockThe boats were parked here during off-peak seasonThe famous ape mountain in the backgroundBack to the hotelSince the water by the beach in front of our hotel was shallow, the guide was able to drop us right in front of our hotel. But it was not without incident as Irfan managed to get himself wet while alighting the boat! Served him right for being a diva. Quite impressive but quite expensive ....

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