Tanjung Rhu Fish Farm

It's a fish farm. It's a floating restaurant. It was our next stop after feeding the fishes at Pulau Dangli. It was small and the restaurant was only in full swing in during lunch and dinner. We were there around tea time. And there were hardly anybody there.

And as such, we were given a nice tour of all the fish. The boys loved it.

Docking ....Feeding the leopard shark. Best to leave it to the professionals.Here comes the menace .....Anita holding tight to make sure Irfan doesn't fell down. We didn't bring a spare shirt!The stingray needed some loving too ....But my personal favourite was the baby leopard shark. Tiny and cute. It looks like a shark definitely but the mouth was small minus the menacing teeth. The pattern on its torso though was unmistakeable.

Anita loved the stingrays and she was able to feed and pat it.

Our guide who spoke surprisingly good EnglishThere is a shark in there somewhere ...Such a hot day ....Irfan asking what was in that pond. I told him it was dinner ....Something caught Idlan's attentionTime to head back out .....We then had some iced tea there before leaving. Apparently the seafood dinner there was rather good according to my friends. I saw some crabs there in the pond and we can order them fresh. Nice.

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