Catching up with Janeway

I was still an ardent Star Trek fan but lately there had not been any good series. The movies were not bad but it was a different proposition all together.

So, going through my Netflix account, we came across our old favourite. I followed The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine but Voyager was something different. Something about being stranded in alien territory having to fend for themselves while looking for a way home just appealed to me.

I started watching a couple of episodes, but before I knew it, I was hooked. And so was Anita. In fact, she was even worse. With the current renovation we were having at the apartment, we had to be without ASTRO for a couple of weeks due to cabling issue. But our internet were still up and using wifi, we were able to watch Netflix through our TV.

It certainly brought back memories of my final year in Medical School where I went to the video store every other weekend to check out on the new release. They didn't have it on satellite as readily as in the US. Plus due to my limited free time, I preferred to binge watch them and it was certainly a treat. We were already on Season 6. Maybe we would be watching the finale by next weekend ....

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