A New Kind of Mesh

I have a 500 MBit internet at my apartment but the modem and wifi transmitter that came with it was rather weak. The signals into my bedroom were at time and the repeater I had on one of the corridors did not transmit well, and the speed was much slower than I hoped.

Ready for the unboxing!Banking on the performance ...All neatly laid out ...I had been reading about making myself a mesh network at home but most of the setup were tricky. Then I came across the Orbi system. It came in two units - the main transmitter and the satellite which I placed in my bedroom.

It was not perfect but I was able to get consistent speed in access of 200 MBit in my room which was great. There were also less interference when I got my TV, PS4, hifi and the rest connected to the network. Setting up was also straight forward enough mostly through a web browser. Since I started using it, it had yet to crash.

Sorting out the placementThe main unit would be at the old office... and the satellite unit was in my bedroomUnfortunately the system was not exactly cheap. In the end, for the speed I was managing to get it was certainly worth it ...

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