One Sunday to the Next

The last weekend went by like a blur. The stay in PD was a mellow one punctuated by trips down the beach, having a nice swim in what I must say were the windiest afternoons I have swam in.

It was great fun though and the beach was actually rather empty. Staying at out apartment meant that we could head down at any time and I had fun with my drones during sunsets. I ended up just chilling out in the apartment rather than venturing around town. Maybe I just needed a break.

The original plan was to take Idlan to school on the Friday but after swimming on Thursday, Idlan had a coughing fit. We decided just to rest at home that day rather than drive all the way to Seri Kembangan. We did go out for dinner at the Golf Club after the swim, but we soon found our way back to the apartment having an early night.

Come Saturday - the final day we were in PD - we decided to head back to KL before lunch rather than wait for the evening. Clearly the boys had had enough of the beach and were missing their PS4 ....

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