The Little Garden

Since the renovation was done, Anita had been keen on getting some greeneries at the balcony. It may be a touch overboard but I felt that it was a nice change. It created some space for me to chill at, and who wouldn’t want that, especially when you were tired after work.

I finally had the chance to take come picture of the flowers since it was Sunday and I had an extra hour at home before heading out to work. We were blessed with gorgeous weather that morning as well.

There was a still one end of the balcony that she cold expand to if she wishes so, but as it stood at the moment, she would start with a small area first. Maybe in the next few month, we may venture to other side. The morning breeze certainly made a lot of difference and I could just spend all morning there ... with a mug of coffee in hand.

I also noticed that Anita loved to keep pitches as decorations. She picked plenty of them up when we were in the UK, and now that she had some pace to put them, they all came out from the boxes. I wonder what would be next ...

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