Flight to Jakarta

Stunning blue sky all the way to Jakarta

Stunning blue sky all the way to Jakarta

The flight into Jakarta was a pleasant one although it was delayed by a couple of hours. As a result, I was caught in the famous Jakarta Friday afternoon traffic jam on the way to the hotel.

As usual, I took the KLIA Express from town after Anita dropped me off at NU Sentral. I decided against checking in at KL Sentral since the train was about to leave when I bought the ticket. Luckily, the flight was quite empty, with a short queue at check-in. The delay also meant extra time at the lounge.

On board KLIA Express. With some reading on the destination.

On board KLIA Express. With some reading on the destination.

Waiting to board. Not many people was around.

Waiting to board. Not many people was around.

The Jakarta flights were boarded from the main rather than the satellite terminals. So, rather than the large international lounge at the satellite building, I was served at a smaller regional lounge. Smaller in terms of size but the food was not half bad.

I left in time to board the plane. Again, despite the delay, the flight was empty, with only a couple of passengers at the Business Class area.

The flight was just under two hours. It was smooth sailing all the way, and I was able to finish a movie - X-Men Dark Phoenix - while digging into another meal.

The area I was sitting at was practically empty

The area I was sitting at was practically empty

Heading to the hotel in South Jakarta

Heading to the hotel in South Jakarta

This was followed by a long walk to the immigrations area. Another 30 minutes wait to clear the passport checkpoint and pick up my checked-in luggage. The driver was already waiting for me as I exited the terminal. This was followed by a couple of hours drive in the car to the hotel at South Jakarta.

The hotel check-in was smooth, and a couple of my colleagues were already waiting for me for dinner. Rather than venture out, we decided to dine in at one of the hotel restaurants. All the food there was Halal, and the buffet spread was terrific.

An excellent start to the weekend, and also an early night as I have an early start on the Saturday ...