Back to School

Idlan heading to his bus

Idlan heading to his bus

After almost six months of not going to school, the new school year has started. Idlan especially was having a new beginning, entering Form Six to start his A-levels. GCSE came and went, and he is keen to get on with things. For starters, he picked Mathematics, Economics and Sociology. I felt that he should drop the last subject and take up a Science subject. We will see if he changes his mind.

He will be opening most of his time at the Sixth Form block with the excellent facilities which they have. Plus he would no longer need to put on his school uniform, except for Sports of course.



All packed. Including the lunchbox.

All packed. Including the lunchbox.

One size up

One size up

Irfan, on the other hand, is gearing up towards his GCSE. He had made his selections, dropping Spanish and taking up Media Studies, just like what Idlan did. No more history and Geography, and he picked all the Sciences subjects, plus Drama.

As we were still in MCO, the screening at school started from the school bus. Regular temperature checks, plus social distancing were the order of the day. Idlan brought food from home, while Iran would likely order the school meals. In class, they have a glass shield around their desk between each student, plus there would be no contact sports. The number of extra-curricular activities was also cut down, which meant no Judo for Idlan for this term.

Hair back to short

Hair back to short

Off they went

Off they went

There will be days where Irfan would be studying from home. Idlan meanwhile would be at school every day, with scheduled personal study times at the library on allocated periods. Exciting times for both of them.