Sad Start to 2021

After a week in the hospital, my father-in-law drew his last breath on the second day of 2021. Part relief and part sad. Things happen for a reason. After initially been admitted with heart failure, he picked up one complication after the other. It was unbearable towards the end.

Although, the day before he passed on, he communicated with his sisters, who came all the way from Kelantan. Thanks were actually looking positive, but he declined sharply the morning after.

Itul took this photo wile we were listening to talqin

Itul took this photo wile we were listening to talqin

Back for tahlil

Back for tahlil

His burial was organised by the Military, and it went like clockwork. He was buried the same day, after Zohor prayers at the Military Mosque in Sungai Besi Camp. It is around 20 minutes from our apartment.

The weather was overcast during the prayers and burial. Things were as straightforward as they come. All his children and grandchildren were there. Anita would be spending time with his Mum in the next few days, as they come to terms with all the events ... Al-Fatihah.