Scaling Down at Park City

I have been visiting and holding a clinic at Park City Medical Centre since its opening in 2012. I started with twice a week visits - every Monday and Wednesday mornings. I was still starting at SJMC at the time and I was there to help set up the laboratory services as well. It was more of a quiet morning drive, often without any patients in the clinic and having an early lunch.

It helped that I was not charged any clinic fees back then.

As my practice grew in Subang, I felt the strain of driving there on those mornings and started to limit my travel. By the third year, I was only in Park City twice a month, on alternate Wednesday mornings. And this went on until last Wednesday. 

That was my last clinic and I was surprised that the Staff so. I was taken aback.

I would still come to Day Care and give advice over the phone on urgent cases. However, all the ER referrals would go to the on-call Haematologists in SJ instead of me being the first port of call. I still manage the laboratory until the hospital employs a permanent replacement. But, I will no longer have a regular physical presence there.

Although it was inevitable, I still feel that it was a departure on a personal level. The hospital has evolved since its inception. Some of the pioneer Doctors were still there, some have moved on. The place was getting busier, picking up where it left from the start of the pandemic. 

Now for the future ...