The Windows 7 and Vaio X

I can't help but the admire the effort of Sony with the release of the new Vaio X ultraportable laptop series. They look damn sexy and all, and the specs weren't bad either. Still using the Intel Atom processor to save power and prolong battery life, they were clocked at 2MHz, runs 2GB RAM while using SSD hard drives as standard. I can imagine it whizzing through the usual web browsing at light speed. The performance with Windows 7 with it reduced demand on resources in the background will complement the unit nicely.

Always, the issue of vulnerability to viruses will be there and for that I am very reluctant to depend on them to hold my sensitive data - patient details, research data and even my collections of downloaded journal articles and presentations I have prepared over the years. I came to rely too much on my Mac. However, occasionally there are some software issues with the Mac especially when it comes to SPSS. I currently do not have a license on the Mac, and had to use VirtualBox to run Windows 7 on my Mac in order to do the number crunching. A spare Windows machine would not hurt I am sure, but I already have desktops on my office desk running Windows. Do I need another laptop ... be it a sexy one.

I think I'm going to go for a compromise. I might buy Anita the laptop. Therefore, I can still play around with the toy occasionally ... if she ever let me.