Look at the space!

I wish that the UMMC Medical Department is just as spacious!

It certainly was a tiring day started by joining the queue at the carpark that the locals call Middle Ring Road II. I had to travel to HUKM, which ironically is nearer to my house then UMMC. It took me around 40 minutes to reach there, but I must not complain because I decided to leave after 8am. I reached there in ample time before the marking started.

We finished marking just after 11. I then travelled back to UMMC, reaching there in time to continue the Day Care. This was later followed by the Medical Officer presentation. I was meant to present a topic right after but unfortunately my Consultant colleague had to leave early due to maid issue. We postponed it till next week I suppose. I was meant to go through a thesis for corrections but I am just too tired. I guess I'll go to sleep and wake up at around 4.30 to go through them It should take me around a couple of hours I reckon since I am already familiar with the structure.

As for the weekend, I am looking forward to attend the Open House at Syahril's, but not before sorting out the MRCP stuffs before the weekend. I reckon I will be tied up with all the MRCP duties by tomorrow afternoon.