Congratulations All Around
My view of the proceedings from today
Had the pleasure of attending the ceremony earlier. As usual I preferred to turn up after the ceremony starts. Perfect timing this time. Got inside just about the time Prof Ikram was about to start his speech. Grabbed the nearest seat to the exit, right in the middle, at the top of the stairs. Nestled in between the Faculty staffs, enough time to catch some gossips. If I come early, I might be asked to put on the pink gown!
Everything appeared to have run smoothly. No major hiccup, although they should have lined up the 'Cemerlang' recipient to up the stairs rather than having to wait for them to run down the hall to get up. Luckily there was no mishaps. Now! That would be unceremonious!
Oh before that, the oath! I am sure when Hippocrates was practicing, there is no such thing as promising to give just care to everybody regardless of their political affiliations and sexual orientation! I wonder whether it is a tambahan! We were then treated to some makan, while the graduates were having fun with a group photograph! During the tea, I went around to say my last goodbyes. The weather was getting dark outside, not really keen to get stuck.
Saw some of your families. The parents present were gracious enough to shake my hands. A father of one of a Perak student stopped when I was shaking his son's hand to congratulate asking whether I am graduating from UM or Ipoh. Now, that really made my day! The son then explained that I was one of his examiners from last week, and said that I was kind during the questioning.
Some of you were clearly saddened that their parents were unable to attend. One of you even told me that his parents are no longer around. That took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting that answer. Some of you sounded like planning to stay a bit longer in KL before going home.
Maybe the next time we meet, it will be during your Graduation Ceremony proper. Good luck and enjoy the next few weeks before your Housemanship starts. Sorry if my entry tonight is rather stop and start. I am actually listening to a Myeloma Debate online live from Vienna. Streamyx died tonight, maybe due to the by-elections tonight. Had to use my mobile as a tethered. Streaming was choppy, but at least I can read the slides still. Another distraction is my favourite ice-cream, Haagen-Dasz Coffee! *hint* if you plan to belanja me some ice-cream, the cheap one tak main! I can finish the tub in one sitting, especially when ManYoo is playing! Yummy!
Hot off the press. Pakatan Rakyat secured the two hills while BN has to make do with a river!