Rock and Roll Baby!

Rock and Roll Baby!, originally uploaded by Haris Abdul Rahman.

Will be back to work tomorrow but at least I get to enjoy today off still. Had to send my wife's car to the garage. A few weeks back, while driving along MRR2, a small stone came out of nowhere and hit the windshield causing a small chip and a crack. Since the insurance will be taking care of it, we might as well get the whole thing sorted.

Did the usual school run. In the afternoon after doing some chores, we went out again to our usual joint for murtabak and stuffs for iftar. This time around however, Anita was taking a keen interest. And boy, did she shop? Initially, due to her fears about H1N1, she did not even want to eat the stuffs I bought from the stalls. It seemed the other way around now. We spent about an hour walking around, and I had to make a couple of trips to the car to send the shopping off.

Nasi kerabu, as requested by my mother-in-lawA few of the stores caught my eyes and I thought I would include the pics in my upcoming photoblog. I am just compiling the material now and it should be up and running by the weekend. I have yet to purchase the domain name however, as I was toying with a few at the minute. It will unfortunately be flash heavy. That means that it will not run on the iPhone and will take time to load up. I have already completed the infrastructure, so the slides will basically upload itself from my flickr pages, via smugmug.

I discovered this Rock and Roll Grill store right at the end of my round. I wonder what they offer, but will likely visit them again on a later date. I don't have space in my stomach for everything.

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