Construction at work

Construction at work, originally uploaded by Haris Abdul Rahman.

First day back at work and it hit me like a ton of brick. After the long morning ward round, it was Day Care. I then attended a meeting at the Faculty that took a chunk of the time in the afternoon. Back to department after that to pick up the letters in my pigeonhole. It's nearly Shawal and it was filled with cards as well as letters requesting for donation. After a few letters, I then realised that it was time to leave.

While at the Faculty, I realised that there are many construction taking place at the moment. There is the student area being build in the green quadrangle walking towards Dewan Jemerlang. The seems to have flatted the area and filled them with land. I wonder what building they are constructing.

Understandably, security has been tightened as many of the construction workers were Indonesian migrants and they actually live on site. I may be painting it with a broad brush here but there will be security issues here. Not just properties but the hall of residence sits right next door to the faculty. These foreign workers will also able to access the are in and around the campus. Another unexpected problem is parking spaces as some of the kerb are now closed. My MOs had to walk sometime half a mile to get to work. It doesn't only waste energy but also work. An unnecessary hassle in my book.

The meanest air asam boi in town!The area where Emima cafe used to be has been cordoned off and the construction of the new staff restaurant will start soon. It used to be my main joint for breakfast before the kitchen caught fire and it has to be closed as it was deemed to be unsafe. Fair enough!

When I arrived home, I was greeted by the news that Jane was dead! This morning when Anita was about to clean the tank, she was found motionless. Nope! She did not perform CPR nor administer mouth-to-mouth. No sock was given either. It seems that after berbuka tonight, we will be heading back to the pet shop to ask about what to feed Peter. We might have to buy a new mate for him as well. I wonder what we should call her?