At the Casualty

My Dad-in-law was admitted again last night. This was the third time this year. The first couple of times due to bleeding. Last night, he had some pain in his chest and difficulty breathing. He is not the type to tell me things because he didn't want me to worry. When he called me about the discomfort last night, I know something was wrong.

We got to the Casualty just after 9 pm. It was packed with the usual assortments of accidents victims and asthmatics. I called my colleagues en route, so they were expecting him. A quick check and it was pretty clear it was his heart. To cut a long story short, the pain settled with medications, the heart tracing returned to baseline and he was kept in Coronary Care for the night.

Getting some food at 2 am proved quite a challengePuan Anita making sure everything was in placeTime to leaveHis blood tests this morning confirmed that it was not as serious as a heart attack. Buy he will need an angiogram later. Since e had the bypass and al his otter cardiac tests done over in IJN, I think we should go back there at some stage when things settled. He will e seeing my cardiology colleague tomorrow for review and will likely be discharged then. InsyaAllah.

He is 75 and I think he will need to cut back on his work a bit. He will need to get my wife to take care of some of the business. Our boys are much older low and I think it is time that Puan Anita attend to the office, maybe for a couple of days per week at the beginning. She will have to start somewhere. It should not be all about money.

It was just past 3 am when Puan Anita and I reached home last night after seeing him settled at the CCU. She was still groggy this morning, so I came out earlier to catch up with the latest news about his tests. Will need to return soon so that Anita and her Mum can come and visit.