KLickrs for Urbanscape

Later on the Tuesday, after our outing to Plaza Damas, I went to join my fellow KLickrs to discuss our activities in the upcoming Urbanscape. It was scheduled for the 17th July - a Saturday of course. The
Sad news was, it would no longer be at KLPAC. Instead, ironically, the event, organised by KLUE, would be held outside KL. It would be at Padang Astaka, in PJ, on a rugby field.

Can't imagine what it would be like as as far as I can remember, it has always been at KLPAC. One wondered if over time, the event itself would fade away, which was a shame really. As a regular, KLickr would be taking part again this year. The event was only a couple of months away and we were still unclear as to the concept from the organiser, not even the layout of the area.

We had a few ideas being discussed. A themed photo walk or two of course, may be a photo critique session, some sort of competition. What I was keen to do, is a themed photo competition which the photos would be uploaded and tagged via twitter. Once uploaded, it would then be voted upon to select a winner. But that might exclude those dSLR slingers about. Therefore, we had to plan diverse range of activities for all, and for that, we would need numbers on the day.

It looked like I would need to invest on a twitter client which can read and parse hashtags with twitpics, and automatically download the attached photos. We may then reupload them onto another site for the competition. I'll work that one out eventually.