La Bodega for Breakfast

As I took today off, after sorting out the boys in school, we took off to Bangsar for a quick breakfast. Out usual joint there was La Bodega, a happening breakfast place. Everytime I have an off day during weekdays, this was the place I prefer to be as the food was nice and the ambiance was cooling. Shane that the meal was jot cheap.

This morning, the place seemed fuller than usual. Full of those business type clinching out deals. A few lady of leisure types as well meeting up with their posh girlfriends - the place is surrounded with apartments where the ex-pat stays, hence you'd expect a few of these types around.

The couple of guys next to our table were busy talking about a TV deal they were about to clinch with TV3. They had a clever plan B though as if the deal did not go through - because apparently they did not pay up a certain politician - they would pitch the idea to a station in Singapore. To quote - they were referring it as 'drama bersiri' - and they were a couple of Chinese guys! Truly 1Malaysia this!

After murdering my Egg Benedict, me and Anita went to do some groceries right next door at Village II. How we wishes we live d the corner from there.