
While browsing the Net earlier tonight, I came across a blog with a LinkWithin attachment tool at the bottom of it. Essentially it was a javascript which suggests some links for other pages within the website that was related to the current entry, which the reader might want have a look at. Very handy I thought as so far, I have a list of my last 10 posts, but when you have had more than 750 entries like I did in this blog - yes, I just checked, it was 778 actually just on this blog, not the other part of - it would be useful to be able to create link for the reader to venture to more of my entries.

So, first of all, the service was free, but not much tweak could be done. The crawling engine was rather impressive as so far, and the link it suggested were very appropriate. I was able to look at a 2 and a half years worth of writing, and I spent almost a couple of hours just reading through my old diary. How much my boys have grown. The fact that the blog was full of photographs really helped.

So, if you wanted to try the script, just head over to this link, enter your email and website address, and you would then be given a javascript for you to embed in your blog. The link will appear as photos as seen above, and also at the bottom of this entry I hope. Good luck!

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