Monday Morning Traffic!

Monday! Argh! At least the weather was dull, so one dis not feel too much of a Monday blues having to be tied indoors at work. But one thing I could do without on this fine Monday was getting stuck in traffic first thing in the morning. Unfortunately that was what happened this morning. I got stuck again at the Duta flyover into the new Istana Negara. This was starting to become my pet rant. I now wish that a public transport service was able to take me to work everyday.

Even though I got into work well in time, I must say, the amount of time I wasted in traffic was a hell of a lot. UMMC was not exactly people friendly as far as public transportation were concerned. Yes, much was made about the bus service from the Universiti LRT station, but one would still have to wait for the bus. If only there was a direct service into UMMC by tram, a lot of problem could have been solved. We could have cut down the number of cars into the carpark at the hospital for a start. Not only it would benefit the patients and staffs, visiting the place would also be much easier.

I thought, one of the main emphasis in face-lifting UMMC might not be just new buildings and more car park spaces, we should have been planning for the long term. These extra car park spaces might be good for the next five years or so, but eventually, a more long-term strategy were needed. Trust me, an LRT station right next door. Would this make too many people, specifically those who might be up to no good turning up at the hospital? That argument was rather lame. Especially at a hospital where security was only taken seriously very recently - only in the last months that the staffs were assigned smart cards to access the doors to the wards and the main entrance at off hours.

Well. Long term solution for the traffic situation was definitely needed. Getting in and out of the hospital was slowly becoming a drag, and not just for the reluctant patients.

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