No Kino?

Puan Anita asked me to follow her shopping this evening and I duly obliged. Destination was Suria as she had to buy some stuff for the upcoming trip to Kelantan. As you know, ladies took their time while shopping and I was practically left to my own devices for almost a couple of hours. So, I spent some time at Kinokuniya.

The place was not like it used to be where one was free to browse the books. I loved looking at travel and architecture books. But all of them were covered in plastic films. Yes, you could ask the salesperson to unwrap them for you, but you'd end up with a dirty look and after a couple of unwraps, you'd soon get enough.

I finally had it after half an hour or so, and decided to look at the magazines instead. I do realise that the place was not exactly a library, but the fact that the books were all wrapped just put me off from getting interested.

Maybe I was just getting old .....

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