Beta testing

I spent the whole morning beta testing. Beta testing for what you might ask? It was for the new iteration of my website engine, SquareSpace version 6. The version 5 has been up and running for a good 4 years, well before I started using the platform in March 2009. So far, small improvements were added into the system, but nothing major like the upcoming version.
Fired up, I singed in and did the needful. The template looked amazing, but since it was still in beta, it lacked flexibility. I think much work were put in for stability hence not much tweaking were able to be done. I ended up using an animation-rich setup, although the colour scheme needed looking into.
The gallery page took ages to load, mainly due to local flash-like execution. My SmugMug gallery tended to load up much faster, so I might be sticking to that.
Another issue was the width of the site. It was pretty limited, and the site ended up feeling like a tumblr project. Nice, but not really for serious blogging ….
I am sure many more improvement would be made, and I will be writing my feedback to SquareSpace from time to time. But now, it is time for exploration ……
Give the site a twirl here.
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