Flying over The Clocktower

*This entry was written during my trip to Fraser's Hill in Sept 2016*

I finally got my wish. After the morning trip into town was fogged over, I was happy that the clouds parted when I went there again - with Anita this time after our trekking at Bishop's Trail.

From another angle looking towards Puncak InnTurning towards the Post OfficeWatching from the top of Puncak InnOff came the drone and I managed to fly around the clock tower, Puncak Inn, down towards the main road leading up into town as well as the golf course. Then came the warning that I was running out of memory space.

Straight from the topPanning towards the way to SmokehouseBut that was after I managed to hover around the famous clock tower a few times. With the sun coming out and plenty of people mingling about, it was quite a spectacle. Good times.

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