Time For an Outing

Some merry dancing in front of Fahrenheit 88. It was Raya after all …

Some merry dancing in front of Fahrenheit 88. It was Raya after all …

I had not done too many outings during the recent Ramadan month. Now that Aidilfitri came and went, it was time to dust up the camera again and hit the streets. Having an extra few days off before returning to work meant that I could indulge in a day or so venturing the street. I visited my usual stomping ground, and the weather was kind.

A cute campervan being turned into a food truck

A cute campervan being turned into a food truck

The Raya mood was still in the air, and there were still events going on in town. Dances and festivities. The city dwellers were only returning from their kampung, so the streets were not as packed, and traffic was reasonable.

Lot 10 holding a food festival

Lot 10 holding a food festival

Back to Pavilion

Back to Pavilion

Although it was only for a couple of hours, at least I managed to get some juice flowing. A great day out none the less ...