Sunday Morning Walk

With the mini-lockdown currently in effect in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, going out for a photo walk was tricky. It was challenging to organise an outing with friends.

So, right after my Sunday Morning ward round, I decided to make a quick detour into the City. Just park my car at the side street for a couple of minutes and take photos of what was around. I managed to get a spot near the River of Life and just absorbed the scenery there while many KLites in their expensive bicycles pass by for their weekend ride.

Contrast that with the foreign workers out early on their day off, congregating at the shops around Chinatown with their friends buying their local wares. There was quite a commune around there among the Nepalese especially.

There was a chic cafe by the river which the riders parked their bicycles to take a breather—some with coffee in their hands.

I could not stay long. After around ten minutes, I decided to leave. Maybe, I will be back there next time. When things were more normal ...