Tall Buildings and Blue Sky

Blue sky. Golden light. The contrast was just amazing. Although there were not many activities at ground level, gazing up and shooting upwards gave a new perspective to your culture.

I have always been fascinated with capturing static objects in contrast to the blue sky. And nothing was more static than a skyscraper on a quiet weekend morning ...

Kuala Lumpur is blessed with plenty of tall buildings. There reflections and symmetry always excited me. I also tended to do building and architecture photography in late mornings after the “Golden Hours” as the sharp contrast of the building and sky was still worth a snap. I also loved to compress the perspective by shooting telephoto.

No matter how familiar you are with photography, these are the more straightforward exercise you can do. A telephoto lens, stopped down to f8, looking up, bright blue sky and tall buildings. Snap away ...

Most of the snaps from this entry were taken using Fujifilm X-Pro3 with Fujinon XF 16-55 f2.8 zoom lens