RMO Day 20 - Back to EVE

Part of the reason why my updates had been slow lately was due to my taking up flying again. Not in real life, but back to the Universe of EVE Online. Since my two boys had been doing online gaming incessantly, their old man wanted to use-up them by going back to the original gangsta, EVE Online.

I learned about it around the time I was returning to Malaysia to end my stay in the UK. They were opening up a beta-tester program at the time. But I had other plans in mind with the relocation and all that. In Malaysia, the game was yet to be introduced. It finally came in late 2015, and I signed up in January 2016, just before Irfan was born.

And he is now 14.

I have not been playing it regularly though although I kept up with the subscription. I was still on the original introductory plan, where I had an extra character for free after paying for the main one. I have since kept three - designated Asap, Idlan and Irfan.

Over the years, I made many friends playing together, and we still keep in touch, mainly through Facebook. A teacher in Japan. An engineer in Australia. A Scientist from Germany. Not many from the States though due to time difference. We have all grown up. Some has since stopped playing. One, unfortunately, passed away due to cancer, and before he signed out for the last time, we had our last flight together before he gave away all his in-game assets to us his friends. I still kept one of the items he gave me. He passed away in 2012.

I have never been a serious gamer. In the last four days, I have logged on and tried some of the new game features which I thought is exciting, relocating some of my bases and basically try to keep the gameplay short and busy.

At least I had something to do during this tie-down. Still could not find my old buddies though. I might just contact them again for old time sake!