RMO Day 19 - Missing the Hike

Everybody seemed to be missing bits of their lives during this movement restriction. Things which we took for granted are now luxuries just out of our grasps.

Usually, after my Sunday ward round, I would call Anita to get ready. As soon as I got home, I would change and off we went for a quick hike. Anita would get the gears ready. I just threw everything into my rucksack and straight into the car. And then off we went.

We missed our Sunday morning hike at Taman Tugu. The shaded walk. The greens and the breeze. It was a fantastic feeling, especially when we broke for lunch right after the walk. It usually takes us just over an hour to negotiate the 2.5 km walk. The terrain can be slippery if it rained, but I enjoyed it. It was only a ten-minute drive from my apartment, but it felt miles out of town.

Usually, we were done by midday and had the rest of the day to ourselves. We would then often go shopping or just have some coffee at a cafe in town.

Even my hiking shoes are now part of my PPE. They are light, nimble and comfortable to wear. They go well under my shoe cover when I move around in my gears. I shall keep it as a reminder of how much I miss hiking, and when this is done, how much I should enjoy it, and not take it for granted.

Another day in the house, and I am now going through my Apple TV checklist on what to watch. I had marked a few documentaries to watch. Time to go through them, I guess ... Stay safe all!