RMO Day 18 - Craving for Some Streets

Such sunny weather outside

Such sunny weather outside

Every other week, I would try to sort a couple of hours where I can take my camera out for a walk. It was usually planned prior, with the route already mapped out. I typically have an idea of what setup to take. The only thing I can’t control was the weather. And the odd emergency where I had to return to the hospital.

This would be the third weekend of the lockdown. I tried taking photos around the house, but it lacked that usual rush. And waking up this morning, I could not help but admire the quality of the light. Such a blue sky and a warm breeze. A walk around Masjid India would be great, plus stopping for some drinks or joining with a few friends.

My usual stomping ground, around Lot 10

My usual stomping ground, around Lot 10

Walking towards Pavilion

Walking towards Pavilion

In the last six months, I enjoyed going out in a group as well. I try to do it once a month. This year alone, I have done three walks - around Central Market, Chow Kit and the last one was the evening walk around Pintasan Saloma and Chinatown. It helped me to be more focussed and also relax more in a group.

By the time the MRO is over, it would be Ramadhan. Quite tricky to organise walks during that period but since all of us had been cooked in the house, maybe an evening walk would be just the ticket.

Another reason for the crave was the initial plan for a Flickr Anniversary Walk. They turn 16 this year and usually around April to May, they would be news of a worldwide walk. Not as formal as the one organised by Scott Kelby. The last time I participated was back on the tenth anniversary in 2014. It was held in early May back then. Guess they planned to do the walk earlier because of Ramadhan.

I captured this during my last street walk prior to the curfew

I captured this during my last street walk prior to the curfew

Murals around town

Murals around town

As it stood, there was no walk. A few friends wanted to have a Zoom session talking about photography but it clashed with the Director-General daily announcement. If the curfew were to end before the start of Ramadhan, I would surely try to find time to squeeze a photo walk session. I am sure a few of my friends would like to do the same as well.