Dome was Closed

When I joined SJMC in 2011, the multi-storey car park had just been completed. The only way to exit the parking area was via a lift shaft which took us straight to the ground floor, then a short walk into the North Tower and outpatient block. There was no Medi-Plex then. And at the asking by the outpatient entrance, there was a couple of kiosk selling drinks and burgers.

Apart from the hospital cafeteria and the mama shops opposite the road, there was not really any choice of food.

A couple of years after I joined, an escalator was completed from the first basement taking up to the hospital building. At the basement, a few shops were opened. Before long, there was a sausage shop, Subway outlet, shop as well as Dome cafe. Before Starbucks, Chicken Rice Shop and FamiliMart were opened at Medi-Plex, Dome was the place I went to for coffee as well as late afternoon tea. They also offered an excellent breakfast selection which I often go to if I was on call the night before.

The cafe also was a popular spot for a quick lunch if the Pharmaceuticals reps came calling. Rather than drive outside, a quick meal there would save time for everybody. So much so that the waiters there already knew what I would order when they see my face. Add to that a staff discount as well! When our family members get admitted Anita and I tended to hang around there as well for meals and drinks.

The Dome outlet was closed through-out the MCO, and when that was lifted, the business was slow to come. And out of the blue, I learned that the outlet was closed a couple of days back. No announcements. They just closed shop!

Sad actually. I wonder if Subway next door would suffer the same fate as well. The outlets at Medi-Plex also looked to be slow going. Hopefully, they stay a bit longer.