The Morning After

Heavy breakfast indeed …

Heavy breakfast indeed …

I did not do much except eating and watching TV during the first day of Raya. So, for the second day, I had to do something different. But it has to start with more soto - my favourite! After the heavy breakfast, we decided to take a walk around the apartment complex, enjoying the breeze by the pool. Unfortunately, the pool itself remained shut.

Let me tell you about the soto, Anita’s soto is something else. Made more special that she makes them only for Raya. When our friends were able to come over, it was a hit. Sometimes, she had to prepare extra as it ran out quick! This time around, I get to enjoy them three times on the first day, and twice - for breakfast and dinner - on the second!

Come afternoon, we decided that we had to get out of the apartment! We drove to the almost empty Bangsar Shopping Centre for some dinner take-outs as well as some groceries. Most of the shops were opened despite the much-reduced number of visitors.

In the spirit of Raya, even the lobby had some cards hanging by them

In the spirit of Raya, even the lobby had some cards hanging by them

Unfortunately no swimming allowed

Unfortunately no swimming allowed

How we wished that we could just have a quick drive around town, just staying in the care. Then more food and TV right after we got back home. Idlan could be heard banging away at his bass guitar in his room while Irfan was playing some online games with his classmates.

Best to enjoy the time off while I can. Before long, it would be busy again, And I will be on call next weekend ...