Supposed to have tea with an old friend

Lake Bala 1, originally uploaded by Haris Abdul Rahman.

... but instead, we were stood up.

One of our friend, Itul who was doing a fellowship program in Radiology in Canada returned home to Malaysia for a holiday. She will be back in the UK to start her new post there in a couple of weeks. My other buddy, Syahril and Yatt decided to invite a few of our close circles for tea over at their place in Bangi. However, at the last minute, she called to cancel. She is going for a karaoke session apparently ....

Anyhow, we still had a feast. Yatt really know how to prepare the lasagna. To top it all off, is the treat of coconut jelly. It was heavenly. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me ....

The picture above is of Anita and Itul at the centre of the photo walking gingerly at the banks of Lake Bala, North Wales. It was taken in the summer of 2003.

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